Engineering Bits
.NET Series
Series | Status |
.NET Ecosystem | Coming Soon! |
C# Basics | Coming Soon! |
C# Object-Oriented | Coming Soon! |
C# Advanced Topics | Coming Soon! |
Unit-Testing with C# | Coming Soon! |
Software Design
Series | Status |
Programming Paradigms Overview | Coming Soon! |
Object-Oriented Analysis & Design | Coming Soon! |
UML | Coming Soon! |
Design Patterns | Coming Soon! |
Writing A Clean Code! | Coming Soon! |
Refactoring (Code Smells) | Coming Soon! |
Software Architecture
Series | Status |
Developer to Architect | Coming Soon! |
Common Architectures | Coming Soon! |
Driven Development Series | Coming Soon! |
Enterprise Architecture Patterns | Coming Soon! |
The Rock Star Skills
Series | Status |
Documentation is the Key! | Coming Soon! |
Write an Email like a human! | Coming Soon! |
A Digital Knowledge Base | Coming Soon! |
Blogging for Developers | Coming Soon! |
Roadmaps are the compass to further improvements in your career, since highlighting the weaknesses and unknown areas is the key to self and career successful development process, here is a series supplemented with resources that will aid you through the journey!
Series | Status |
Roadmaps | Coming Soon |